Our Work
Take a trip through some of our projects. You can find videos and photos. Contact us for more information on any project of your interest.
42-line circulatory system.
A 18 basecoats distributed to two booths, 4 clear
coats, 1 solvent and 1 waste line was installed in ½” s.s. tubing. All the Paint modules were
mounted and all lines (air and resins) tied. A main air header was installed with all the
corresponding drops and manifolds.
AMU ductwork
A 18 gauge metal sheet duct system of 3 AMU was installed tosuply fresh air to application booths. The 3 AMUS were also mounted
Conveyor installation
In this Project we helped a Danish reknown conveyor
manufacturer to install a floor-level conveyor.
Overhead conveyor installation
In this Project we helped a Danish reknown
conveyor manufacturer to install an overhead conveyor, from its structure to the carrys.
Frame structure for roller curtain.
To be able to install a smaller brand-new roller
curtain it was needed to reinforce Wall and make a new frame for its installation.
CPVC pipe reinforcement
Using an special heat X-truder we were asked to
secure tightness and 10” and 8” diameter cpvc piping for chiller water.
Preparation & Inspection booths
We assembled a booth for painted parts
inspection and a booth to prepare parts for painting. Its lights, floor platforms and facilities were
also installed afterwards.
Inspection platforms
A client asked to make real the concept printed on the
drawing. A platform for a 42” exhaust stack, rounded, with railing and baseboard. The floor is non-
slip and specially designed for catwalks and platforms. This platforms were designed considering
loads and stress analysis.
Stacks installation
Over the years one of the activities that we have done the most is the installation of exhaust stacks, carbón Steel or stainless Steel. So far, 42” it´s been the
bigger diameter.
Ductwork insulation
K-flex or foil it`s been installed in ductwork. Generally Air
conditioning for application booths.
PPR instalation
For the drain of a machine involved in the preparation of food, 1 line of PPR was intalled as well as a supply and return line.